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Statement of Intent

At Sedgeberrow CE First School, we aim to prepare our learners for their future by giving them the opportunities to gain knowledge and develop skills that will equip them for an ever-changing digital world. We want all our pupils to be competent in the key areas of computing and able to apply their knowledge and understanding safely in real-life. Knowledge and understanding of ICT is of increasing importance for our children’s future.

From the Foundation Stage to Year 5, the children are given opportunities to develop their substantive and disciplinary knowledge and understanding in each of these areas. Our high-quality education enables pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. 

Our Computing Curriculum focusses on progression of knowledge in digital literacy, computing, information technology and online safety to ensure that children become competent in safely using, as well as understanding, technology. In computing, we will teach the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming information. In addition, we aim to ensure our children are equipped to use information technology to create programs. Computing also ensures that our pupils become digitally literate and able to explore, use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through information and communication technology at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world. 

Statement of Implementation

At Sedgeberrow First School, we pride ourselves on planning an engaging curriculum that inspires pupils to develop their computing skills in school and at home. We have a dedicated computing lesson in each class for KS1 and KS2 each week, along with embedding skills within other lessons to apply their learning and give a purpose to the skills the pupils are learning.  

The computing curriculum has been written with the three core areas of Computing in mind:

This will be taught through weekly explicit computing sessions, as well as being embedded across our curriculum in a cross-curricula approach to apply learning to a range of contexts. 

We have split up computing into the following areas with a focus on teaching a lot of the areas from information technology embedded in other subjects. 

We plan units of work that personalise lessons to the pupils and ensure that each lesson draws upon the interests of their class while teaching the pupils the skills they will need going forward. At Sedgeberrow First School, we aim to expose the pupils to a variety of software, programs and equipment to offer a range of exciting and appropriate experiences. We are very lucky to have a class set of iPads along with a class set of laptops that the pupils have access too, along with other devices such as Beebots, Micro:bits and crumble devices to support our programming lessons.  

Each lesson contains elements of revision, analysis and problem-solving which supports the pupils to develop their recall of substantive knowledge. Through a carefully planned sequence of lessons, we intend to inspire pupils to develop a love of the digital world and see its place in their future. We believe that cross-curricular links are important in supporting other areas of learning and to ensure Computing is not just seen as a standalone subject. 

In KS1, the focus of our computing lessons is mainly on developing the use of algorithms, programming and how technology can be used safely and purposefully. In KS2, lessons still focus on algorithms, programming and coding but in a more complex way and for different purposes. Pupils will also develop their knowledge of computer networks, internet services and the safe and purposeful use of the internet and technology. Data Handling is featured more heavily in UKS2, yet skills learnt through KS1 and LKS2 are used to support data presentation.  

In order to achieve our intentions, Computing is monitored through subject monitoring by the Computing Coordinator along with the Senior Leadership Team.  


Contact Us

Head Teacher: Mr Phil Croke
Main Street, Sedgeberrow, WR117UE