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Morning Club


Morning Club is an early drop-off facility that runs from 8.00 am – 8.45 am weekdays during term time. The cost to parents is just £2.50 per child/per week and is payable half-termly in advance via ParentPay.  Once paid, your child/children will have a place in morning club each weekday for the duration of the half-term.

Teaching Assistants who work at Sedgeberrow School supervise Morning Club.  It takes place outside in the school playground when the weather is fine and if it is raining children stay in the school hall. 

This facility is offered to parents on a cost- only basis and in order to keep administration costs as low as possible there is no option to have specific days or to book on an ad hoc basis. We do not provide any food and expect that children will have eaten breakfast before they arrive at school.  We ask that children arrive promptly at either 8.00am 8.15 or 8.30am when the hall doors are open.  We are unable to accept any children arriving after this time. 

Contact Us

Head Teacher: Mr Phil Croke
Main Street, Sedgeberrow, WR117UE