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Our aim is to open a preschool in September 2023 

I have started the consultation period to open a new preschool linked to our school.

After over 30 years of education our village playschool sadly, and unexpectedly, closed its doors for the final time just before Easter. 

We believe that our school has a responsibility to our community to replace that service. Our school governors feel that the time is right to open a new preschool for three and four year old children from September 2023.

Under this proposal, our aim is to enable three and four year olds to access preschool provision as part of Sedgeberrow C of E First School in the Betteridge Room  - the same room as the old playschool. We would then aim to use our school outdoor spaces to enable the little children to play and learn outside.

Our aim is to open the preschool from 8.00am to 5.30pm.

Adding a preschool to the school will have a number of benefits:

  • It is a service for the community of Sedgeberrow Village and the surrounding area for those parents who wish their children to attend preschool.
  • Our preschool will benefit from the resources available at the school including equipment, staff expertise and our grounds.
  • The extension of provision for 3-4 year olds will also support the sustainability of Sedgeberrow C of E First School.
  • Parents and carers will benefit from the opportunity to pay for services using online methods. Registration of all children will be consistent, as will tracking of attendance and attainment.
  • The children will benefit from links to the school making transition more fluid.

If approved the new preschool would open and take effect from September 2023.

Below are the consultation letter and jotter form to give your views.

The consultation period is completed by 19th May 2023 



Contact Us

Head Teacher: Mr Phil Croke
Main Street, Sedgeberrow, WR117UE